Work Experience
Jan 2020 -
Mar 2020
Research Assistant - Université de Technologie de Compiegne
Compiegne, France
Working as a research assistant to PhD candidate to co-culture on biphasic scaffolds to reconstruct the myotendinous junction. This work term ended early as a result of the
COVID-19 pandemic.
May 2019 -
Aug 2019
Software Quality Assurance Engineer - Siemens Healthineers
Ottawa, Canada
Responsible for both executing manual test cases and writing automated test case scripts for the Epoc Blood Analysis Device.
Sep 2018 -
Dec 2018
Research Assistant - Toronto Rehabilitation Institute (TRI)
Toronto, Canada
Research assistant in the iDAPT Research Facility with the Home and Community Team, responsible for assisting graduate research, as well as working on independent research projects.
Jan 2018 -
Apr 2018
Research Assistant - Toronto Rehabilitation Institute (TRI)
Toronto, Canada
Research assistant in the iDAPT Research Facility with the Home and Community Team, responsible for assisting graduate research.
May 2017 -
Aug 2017
Research Assistant - Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUN)
St.John's, Canada
4 month co-operative work term. Research assistant to Dr. Heather Carnahan. Learned technical skills in programming by working with an underwater force/torque sensor.
Queen's University | MD-PhD Joint Program
Concurrently completing my MD along with a PhD in Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Collaborative Biomedical Engineering in the BDAT (Building and Designing Assistive Technologies) Lab under the primary supervision of Dr. Claire Davies. Guaranteed funding at $36,000.00/year for 7 years.
University of Waterloo | Hon. BASc Biomedical Engineering
Honours Bachelor of Applied Science in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Waterloo, Graduated with Distinction on the Graduate Dean's Honours List (GDHL).
Scholarships and Awards
Listed in order of decreasing value.
Apr 2016
National Schulich Leader Scholarship | University of Waterloo, Schulich Foundation | $80,000.00
Awarded the National Schulich Leader scholarship for excellent academic standing and community involvement.
Apr 2016
Warren and Catherine Ball Memorial Entrance Scholarship | Memorial University of Newfoundland | $30,000.00 (Declined for above scholarship of greater value)
Awarded by Memorial University to two Newfoundland and Labrador students who have exceptional academic records and are Canadian citizens or permanent residents.
Sep 2021 -
Aug 2022
The Seanix Graduate Award - Graduate Research Fellowship, Queen's University | $24,000.00
Established by Paul Girard (BA ‘1987) for Seanix and awarded on the basis of academic achievement to full-time funding-eligible graduate students. Preference given to graduate students in the area of Mechanical and Materials Engineering in Engineering and Applied Science in the School of Graduate Studies.
Sep 2021 -
Aug 2022
Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) | Government of Ontario, Queen's University | $15,000.00 (Declined for above scholarship of greater value)
The Ontario Graduate Scholarships (OGS) promote excellence in graduate studies at the master's and doctoral levels. OGS awards are merit-based scholarships available to graduate students in all graduate disciplines in Ontario Universities.
Sep 2016
President's Scholarship of Distinction | University of Waterloo | $2000.00
Awarded to students entering the University of Waterloo with an average of 95%+ overall academic average.
Jan 2020
International Experience Award | University of Waterloo | $1500.00
Awarded to fund my co-op work term abroad in Compiègne, France. Result of excellent academic standing and an entrance average of over 95%.
May 2018
International Experience Award | University of Waterloo | $1500.00
Awarded to fund my volunteer trip to Cusco, Peru. Result of excellent academic standing and an entrance average of over 95%.
Electoral District Scholarship | Government of Newfoundland and Labrador | $1000.00
Aug 2016
These scholarships are awarded to the three high school graduates in each district who achieves the highest Department of Education scholarship score.
Undergraduate Research Assistantship | University of Waterloo | $900.00
Jan 2021 -
Apr 2021
Undergraduate research assistantship with Dr. John McPhee. Our goal was to further develop my course project for BME 550, Sports Engineering, using MapleSIM to build an optimized dynamic model of a fouetté turn.
June 2021
Graduate Dean's Honours List (GDHL) | University of Waterloo
Awarded to students who have been on the "Dean's Honours List" for at least two terms of the six academic terms preceding graduation, and have a cumulative average over these last six academic terms of at least 80%.
Notable Skills
& Expertise
Public Speaking
Experience with programs such as MATLAB, MapleSIM, OpenSIM, 3D Slicer, Solidworks, FEBio, LS Prepost.
Coding experience in C#, C++, MATLAB and Python.